Saturday, October 6, 2007


hey, it's me.
here's the update.
i msged a couple of u at 1541hr sayin "she's fine. injury at collarbone nt shlder. they are more concerned abt her STM loss" oh, i 4get to add on tt she's gg to be warded cuz a&e said it's best to observe her due to STM loss
at 1855hr, emily's dad ,John, called. emily is fine, could be better. she's warded n had to go for surgery tom. surgery cuz of the collarbone. he said it's smashed but nt into smaller pieces. splinters, just ve to push it back and put metal to stabilize it. i asked her dad abt her STM loss, he said she is gettin better but still askin him the same qns. she does not rem she asked it already.
i called John back at 1956hr to ask for the time of the surgery. n if we can drop by n show some concern flowers etc, he told me the surgery is at 9am. he appreciates the thought but will prefer that we dont drop by cuz she might still have STM loss and cant recall wat happen. i think he thinks tt our presence might put some pressure on her recovery. cuz emily was really scared in the hospital this aftern.
for the kind souls out there who wanna msg emily, pls do so AFTER 1pm. after lunch, John said. those who wanna her num, u can ask me or anyone who knows.
it's scary to see emily asking John,"how's mum?" and then asked me, "did we win?" n asked John "how's mum" again.. a couple of minutes later, she asked me "did we win?"
when i told her we won 10-1, she said,"Thats' GREAT." a couple of minutes ltr, she asked me,"did we win"
a&e doc asked if she rem hw she fell, she dn rem
a&e doc asked if she rem wat she did after the fall, she dn rem
a&e doc asked wat she had for brkfast, she dn rem
and emily started crying ,cuz she received sms-es frm her fwens askin her if she's comin to meet them. she asked her dad,"my fwens ask if i m gg, but i dn rem i had an appointment w my fwens"
doc concluded STM loss. will hand over to neurosci team.
emily cried again..
end of story.